All About the Lohmann Brown Chicken

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Lohmann Brown chickens are among the most popular breeds for commercial egg production and backyard farming. Their friendly nature, high egg-laying capacity, and adaptability to different environments make them a favorite for farmers and hobbyists. If you’re considering raising Lohmann Browns, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive deep into everything you need about these remarkable birds.

All About the Lohmann Brown Chicken
Lohmann Brown Chicken


Lohmann Brown is a chicken breed commercialized in Germany in the 1960s by Dr. Wilhelm Lohmann. He developed the Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rock to come up with a high-performing and both-layer bird. Originally avianized around the world during the 1970s, Lohmann Browns were well-famed for excellent egg-laying capability, brown-shaded eggs, sound disposition, and strong health status. 

Hendrix Genetics purchased the breed in 2007, but its improvement and distribution have continued. Thus, it is a preferred breed for communal and backyard egg producers, looking at efficient layers. Today, they are known to be able to lay up to 320 eggs per year, are they?

Why is Lohmann Brown so popular?

Not only are Lohmann Browns good layers, but they are also relatively easy to work with. If you are an experienced farmer or just a fellow who decided to start your backyard chickens these birds will be very productive while requiring minimal attention. These are friendly animals and are good-tempered, which makes them ideal for commercial farms, CrossRoads Farm, and even homesteads.

Physical Characteristics of Lohmann Brown Chicken 

Lohmann Brown chickens are medium to large and have brown feathers with a lighter shade of the belly, wings, and red-brown tail. These have golden-brown neck and saddle feathers, red comb, wattles, and earlobes with yellow legs and feet. A delayed sexual maturity, the adult hens weigh 2-2.5 kg and roosters 2.5-3 kg. They are hardy birds with muscular and compact bodies and calm and pleasant-looking faces.

How Many Eggs Can They Lay?

Lohmann Brown hens are prolific layers, producing up to 320 large to extra-large brown eggs annually under commercial conditions. In backyard flocks, they lay around 200-220 eggs per year. Egg production begins at 18-20 weeks, peaks at 24-30 weeks, and continues at high levels until 50-60 weeks, gradually declining thereafter.

Are They Friendly and Docile?

One of the standout traits of Lohmann Browns is their gentle nature. They are known to be friendly, making them easy to handle, even if you’re new to raising chickens. Lohmann Browns are a great choice if you have children or want a breed that’s easy to approach.

How Do They Interact with Other Chickens?

Lohmann Brown Chickens are generally calm and get along well with other chickens. They are not aggressive, so they usually integrate well into existing flocks without causing disruption.

Can You Keep Them in a Backyard Coop?

Absolutely! Lohmann Brown Chickens are perfectly suited to backyard living. They don’t require a lot of space, and their calm temperament makes them easy to manage in smaller coops. Ensure they have enough room to roam and explore to keep them happy and healthy.

What Do Lohmann Brown Chickens Eat?

Like most chickens, Lohmann Browns thrive on a diet of high-quality layer feed. You can supplement their diet with kitchen scraps, grains, and fresh greens if you allow them to forage. They have excellent feed-to-egg efficiency, so they’re popular for egg production.

Caring for Lohmann Brown Chickens

Space Requirements

Though Lohmann Browns don’t need vast space, they still benefit from having room to stretch their wings. A coop with about 4 square feet per bird inside and 8-10 square feet per bird in the outdoor run should suffice.

Shelter and Temperature Needs

These chickens are quite hardy and can tolerate a range of temperatures, but like most birds, they do best in well-ventilated but draft-free housing. In colder climates, providing extra insulation during winter months is essential.

All About the Lohmann Brown Chicken
Lohmann Brown Chicken

How Long Do Lohmann Brown Chickens Live?

On average, Lohmann Browns live for about 5-6 years, though their egg production will decline after the first couple of years. They may live longer with good care, but they are bred primarily for their egg-laying ability, which peaks in the first two years.

Can You Breed Them Naturally?

Lohmann Browns can breed naturally, but it’s important to note that they are hybrid. This means their offspring won’t necessarily inherit the same high egg-laying traits, so breeding them for consistent egg production may not be as reliable.

Final Words

In summary, Lohmann Brown chickens are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-yield, low-maintenance breed. Their adaptability, friendly nature, and prolific egg production make them a popular option for commercial farmers and backyard hobbyists. The Lohmann Brown is a solid investment if you’re considering raising chickens.


How much space do Lohmann Browns need?

Lohmann Browns do well with about 4 square feet per bird inside the coop and 8-10 square feet in an outdoor run.

What’s the best feed for Lohmann Brown chickens?

High-quality layer feed supplemented with grains, kitchen scraps, and greens is ideal for Lohmann Browns.

How often do Lohmann Browns lay eggs?

Lohmann Browns typically lay around 300-320 eggs annually, which averages almost one egg a day.

Can Lohmann Browns live in cold climates?

Yes, Lohmann Browns are hardy and can adapt to colder climates if their coop is well-insulated and draft-free.

Are Lohmann Browns good for beginners?

Absolutely! Their gentle temperament, easy care, and prolific egg-laying make them perfect for novice chicken keepers.


  • Amelia

    Amelia's extensive knowledge, coupled with her empathetic approach, offers invaluable insights into the nuances of chicken care—from nutrition and disease prevention to behavioral enrichment and housing solutions. Her articles are a blend of scientific facts and practical advice, making complex topics accessible and actionable.

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